Antoinette Gudiel-Garcia, AYT

Antoinette was born and raised in Maryland and studied Psychology with a minor in Human and Family Services at Towson University. After earning her bachelor’s degree, she spent time working in the healthcare field serving diverse populations and decided to pursue a Master’s in Social Work at Morgan State University. Antoinette is also fluent in Spanish and conversational in American Sign Language (ASL).

Antoinette’s interest in the mental health field led her to Healthy Foundations Group where she is excited to be offering her administrative services to the Patient Experience Team.

In her free time, she enjoys reading, traveling, and spending quality time with her friends and family.


How to Contact Me:

In the case of an emergency, please call 911 or go to your nearest emergency room.

Phone: Monday 10-11am, Wednesday 11-12pm, Thursday 11-11:30am, Fri 10-11am, (301) 970-4001

Portal: I will respond within 1 business day

Email: To protect patient privacy, per our practice policy, I do not use email with current or prospective clients.


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